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Hardware Products - I

TitleVersionDeveloper {Email} [Distributor]Price
IDE Interface - Clares Micro Supplies Ltd £37.00
IDE crad providing four additional IDE drive connections.
ideA Interface - APDL £52.00
IEEE488 Interface Expansion Card - Intelligent Interfaces Ltd £351.33
Enables communication with the wide range of IEEE488 test and measurement instruments.
Imago Concept Motherboard - Millipede Electronic Graphics -
Risc PC replacement motherboard.
Infra Red Remote Control - - -
Old! I涎 Adaptor - Baildon Electronics -
For external use the I涎 interface is available on some expansion cards already. However, this low cost stand-alone I涎 Adaptor is available for the Archimedes range.

Copyright © 04 Nov 2001 RISCOS Limited and Rebecca Shalfield