This page provides links to freely downloadable components for RISC OS versions 3.11 onwards. All downloads are stored by RISC OS version so that, provided you know which version of RISC OS you are using. You will only see downloads that are suitable for your version of RISC OS.
Downloads for RISC OS versions 3.70 and earlier were originally available from the old ftp site. Downloads for RISC OS version 4.02 onwards were available from various pages in the site. As part of the re-design we are arranging all downloads by RISC OS version. FREE Downloads for all versions of RISC OS from 3.10 to RISC OS SIX will now be available from this single page.
If you aren't sure which version of RISC OS you are using you can find out by clicking MENU (the centre mouse button) over the Switcher icon (that's the icon on the far right of the RISC OS iconbar). Move the mouse pointer onto the Info option at the top of the menu. Now slide the mouse right and the Info box will be displayed.
The software downloads available here are free of charge and with no guarantee. Please read this disclaimer before downloading any files. 3QD Developments Ltd grants to each person ("User") who downloads software from this server a personal non-transferable non-exclusive limited license to the User to use the software solely for their own purpose on an Acorn computer or emulator running the appropriate version of RISC OS. To read the full licence please click here.

RISC OS 3.10 & 3.11
RISC OS 3.10 was released in 1992. It's the newest version of RISC OS suitable for first generation machines. It was supplied with A3010, A3020, A4000 & A5000 computers. It could also be fitted to A305, A310, A410, A420 A440, A540 & R260 machines. It supported up to 16MB of RAM, ARM2, ARM250 and ARM 3 processors and 480K of screen memory using up to 256 colours. |

RISC OS 3.50
RISC OS 3.5 was released in 1994 and was only available with the original Acorn RiscPC 600. Unlike later versions of RISC OS the ROMS were only 2MB in size as a lot of ROM components were installed on the computers hard disc. RISC OS 3.50 had a number of problems, hence the quick release of RISC OS 3.6. If you are using a machine running RISC OS 3.5 we strongly recommend you upgrade to RISC OS 3.6 or later. |

RISC OS 3.60
RISC OS 3.6 was released in 1995 and replaced RISC OS 3.5 in new RiscPC computers. RISC OS 3.6 contained many bug fixes and at 4MB was twice the size of RISC OS 3.5. It supported both the ARM 600 and ARM 710 processors as well as the new ARM7500 which formed the basis of the Acorn A7000/7000+ computers. It supported 2Mb of VRAM when running on RiscPC hardware and up to 16 million colours. |

RISC OS 3.70
RISC OS 3.70 was released in 1996 and was the final official RISC OS release made by Acorn Computers Ltd. RISC OS 3.70 is very similar to RISC OS 3.60, but includes support for the DEC StrongARM processor. It was supplied with new StrongARM RiscPCs and was available as an upgrade pack which included the new OS chips, an upgrade CD and a new StrongARM processor card. RISC OS 3.71 added support for the ARM7500 processor series as used in the Acorn A7000 and A7000+. |

RISC OS 4.02/4.03/4.04
RISC OS 4 was the first release of RISC OS made by RISCOS Ltd. It was based on RISC OS 3.8, which had been intended for the Acorn Phoebe computer. It contained many bug fixes and improvements, for example it was the first version of RISC OS to natively support long file names and more than 77 files in a directory. It was available directly from RISCOS Ltd as an upgrade pack containing a new set of ROMS and a CD. RISC OS 4.02 is supplied with various VirtualAcorn products. RISC OS 4.03 was fitted to Acorn 'compatible' machines made by RiscStation, MicroDigital and Castle. RISC OS 4.04 was only supplied with Castle 'Kinetic' processor cards or 'Kinetic' RiscPCs |

RISC OS Adjust 4.39 (Select 3i4)
RISC OS 4.39 is available in 2 different versions. Firstly as a set of replacement 4MB ROM chips and upgrade CD, this is known as an 'Adjust ROM'. It was also available as part of the RISC OS Select subscription service as release 3i4 (the fourth release in the third year). The 'Select' version of RISC OS 4.39 has a 'ROM image' size of 6MB, the Adjust ROM is 4MB in size. Both have similar features and both run from a 6MB block of RAM, the 4MB ROM version getting expanded into RAM when the computer first boots. RISC OS 4.39 is suitable for A7000, A7000+, RiscPC and Kinetic RiscPC computers. It's also supplied with VirtualAcorn VirtualRPC-Adjust and VirtualRPC-AdjustSA. |

RISC OS 6 consists of a number of sub versions, from 6.01 to 6.20. They are only available as 'softload' installs and have never been fitted into physical ROMs. RISC OS 6 includes a lot of improvements over RISC OS 4.39 and is the first version of RISC OS for some years to be fully documented with both a User Guide and a Programmers Reference Manual. Initially RISC OS 6 releases were only available as part of the Select Subscription scheme. Once the Select scheme closed users could buy a stand alone RISC OS 6 installer disc, which was updated as later version of RISC OS 6 were released. RISC OS 6 is suitable for RiscPC, Kinetic RiscPC, A7000, A7000+ and VirtualAcorn products. |

This section contains drivers, updates and support materials for a range of third party RISC OS hardware devices. Currently there are components for a range of APDL IDE cards, drivers for our serial mice and Windows drivers for our SparQ drives. More content will be added soon. |
Unless you are a RISC OS expert we strongly recommend downloading components by first selecting the version of RISC OS you are using. However if you know exactly what generic RISC OS component you are looking for and know how to install these components please click here to select components by type rather than by version.