The example programs
You can download a RISC OS format zip file with copies of all the programs mentioned in this book here.
For the purposes of formatting some longer lines in the BASIC programs have been split into several lines in this document. Where a line starts with a space it forms part of the line above. The original BASIC programs have not had any of their lines split.
"First Steps in Programming RISC OS Computers" and associated software files copyright © Martyn Fox 1993, 2001 and 2003
Iyonix Users
Please note that the Second Edition of this book was prepared before the launch of the IYONIX and RISC OS 5. As a consequence some of the information relating to graphics is already out of date. In particular, the graphics card supplied in the IYONIX pc does not support the use of 16-colour screen modes.
Several of the programs in this book make use of 16-colour screen modes: these programs will run on an IYONIX pc, but will switch to a 256-colour mode instead, with the result that the colours shown on the screen will not match those described in the book. Other graphical problems may also appear in individual programs. Readers who work their way through the book may like to try converting the programs to work well in 256 colours as an exercise to test their newly-acquired skills.
The worst-affected of the programs is Munchie, which is the subject of Chapter 11 and later chapters. A special 256-colour version of this program, Munchie_28, is therefore supplied for the benefit of IYONIX pc users.
Copyright Notice for First Steps in Programming RISC OS Computers
This DTP document and associated software files are copyright Martyn Fox 1993, 2001, but may be freely copied and distributed in digital form, including distribution via the Internet or by magazine discs, PD libraries,email, bulletin boards etc., provided the following conditions are adhered to:
- No charge is made other than to cover the reasonable cost of duplication and distribution.
- No alteration is made to either the DTP document or the software files.
The DTP document may be printed in either monochrome or colour. Limited distribution of individual printed copies is permitted provided that copies are accompanied by the software files on a suitable medium (e.g. a floppy disc) and that no alteration is made to either the DTP document (including its layout) or the software files.
Organised distribution of printed copies, other than of single copies, may only be carried out by prior agreement with the copyright holder. For further details, email Christine Fox. Please send any technical questions concerning the content of the document
to Christopher Fox.
